5Share & manage

Once you’ve found and appraised useful and relevant evidence, we encourage you to share it so it can be stored, retrieved and re-used.

Sharing work means quicker and easier access to relevant evidence (when and where you need it) for policy-makers, commissioners and other health practitioners, with the overall aim of improving organisational performance.

Submit information or request evidence summaries

Do you have evidence to share with other commissioners across the West of England?

Are you interested in finding particular evidence through our sharing service?

Email us at [email protected] with full contact details and your request.

Knowledge mobilisation initiative

A knowledge mobilisation (KM) initiative is evolving in Bristol to support access to new research findings and promote ‘research informed commissioning’ and ‘commissioning informed research’.

This started as a small team of academics and commissioning managers (the KM Team) co-ordinated by BNSSG Clinical Effectiveness team and the University of Bristol. It’s now expanding to include University of the West of England and embraces other KM-related roles.