All resources

There are excellent resources available locally, nationally and internationally that can help you with your evaluation needs.

Showing 10 resources

BNSSG ICB Clinical Effectiveness team

Committed to improving care for our patients through creating a culture of robust, well-evidenced healthcare commissioning and more impactful research.

Health Innovation West of England Evidence Repository

Find and safely share non-peer reviewed documents that are not published elsewhere – helping to promote a culture of shared learning and collaboration.

“Hospital at home” after hip or knee arthroplasty

This case study appraises evidence for the effectiveness of Hospital at Home (HaH) interventions.

Melatonin and sleep outcomes in dementia

This case study follows the 5-step process for accessing and using evidence in response to a request from the Joint…

Melatonin and sleep outcomes in paediatric high dependency and intensive care units

This case study follows the 5-step process for accessing and using evidence in response to a request from the Joint…

Evidence checklist

Your helpful checklist for accessing and using evidence Identify the problem or question you are seeking to answer – and have…

WHO Health Evidence Network (HEN)

The World Health Organisation’s HEN synthesises the best available evidence in response to policy-makers’ questions. Drawing on evidence from different disciplines…

  • Access

NIHR Evidence

Every year, thousands of studies are published in academic journals. But they’re packed with scientific jargon and can be difficult…

  • Access

Systemic treatments in localised high impact psoriasis

This case study follows the 5-step process for accessing and using evidence in response to a request from…

Looking for evidence NIHR ARC West course

This collection of resources is to support people working in health and social care organisations, looking to improve their use…

  • Identify