All resources

There are excellent resources available locally, nationally and internationally that can help you with your evaluation needs.

Showing 10 resources

Cochrane Library

A collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.

Commissioning Elf

An evidence-based information source for health and social care professionals working in the area of commissioning and provision of care services.

Health Foundation

The Health Foundation offers grants to those working at the front line and conducts research and policy analysis.

The King’s Fund Library Service

A free source of information on health and social care policy and management. This service helps with literature searches, research support and information queries.

AACODS checklist (Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Objectivity, Date, Significance) for evaluating grey literature

The AACODS checklist is designed to enable evaluation and critical appraisal of grey literature.

Social Care Elf

Keep up to date with the latest health and social care research and connect with experts and colleagues in your field.

Trip Database

A smart, fast tool to find high quality clinical research evidence.

Understanding Health Research

A step-by-step guide to help you to review and interpret a published health research paper.

University of Leeds on grey literature

A guide to the different types of grey literature, including search tools and tips.

University of York Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)

The CRD has compiled and evaluated data from multiple research studies. Their work provides robust evidence to inform health policy and practice.